5.10.4 (2025-02-26)
🚀 New feature
🔥 Bug fix
- add new email ratelimit middleware and apply to admin pass reset (#22813)
- apply advanced permissions in content manager home widgets (#22921)
- invalid documentId type in the getvalues util (9f1ceb2bf4)
- invalid documentId type in the getvalues util (b66668612e)
- await document exists (242fecbcf1)
- data-transfer: surface errors from createassetsreadstream (#22905)
⚙️ Chore
- remove files from the old homepage (#22908)
- bump design system to rc.17 (#22968)
- document the permission checker service (#22922)
❤️ Thank You
- Convly
- DMehaffy
- Jamie Howard @jhoward1994
- Jean-Sébastien Herbaux
- Lucas Boilly @lucasboilly
- Marc-Roig
- markkaylor
- Rémi de Juvigny @remidej