5.10.0 (2025-02-12)
🚀 New feature
- responsive blocks editor toolbar (#22753)
- content-manager: make markdown editor responsive (#22820)
- relations-on-the-fly: Setup the Future flag for the Relations on the fly (#22771)
🔥 Bug fix
- debounce relation search (d325780fea)
- handle missing TEST_APP_PATH in e2e utility functions (4d07dffc75)
- class Plugin is not immerable (#22763)
- ctb relation types (#22798)
- removed unexpected padding around accordions (#22811)
- pagination query params at root level of query return incorrect error message (#22455)
- ui issues of the avatar button (#22457)
- corrected typing mistake in translation key (#22766)
- delete previous relations in morph to many relation (#22736)
- ctb reload state after save & delete (#22805)
- color missing in links of rich texts blocks (#22230, #22350)
- admin: display correct version on admin notification (#22810)
- upload: hide checkbox in upload modal by default (#22093)
- upload: window title in media library (#22806)
⚙️ Chore
- use rollup (92055a7fb1)
- useDebounce hook (5f30c63bed)
- touch ups (cffeb3f30b)
- move to rtk slices & improve typings (7a6c796bd2)
- remove icon for fields without i18n (#22774)
- deps: bump design system to rc.16 (#22788)
- deps: bump design system to rc.16 (#22788)
- preview: prepare layout for side editor (#22767)
💅 Enhancement
- add default api token on app creation (5bd5447232)
- pre-generated api tokens (2649ccb00e)
- better log informations about the errors for yup validations messages (#22001)
❤️ Thank You
- Alexandre Bodin
- Alexandre BODIN @alexandrebodin
- Convly
- dhoko @dhoko
- Dhruv Maradiya @Dhruv-Maradiya
- Jean-Sébastien Herbaux
- Jorrit Schippers
- Lucas Boilly @lucasboilly
- Marc-Roig
- markkaylor
- Mohamed Dilshad
- Mukul Padwal @mukulpadwal
- Prafull Pandey @pandeyprafull
- Rémi de Juvigny @remidej
- Simone