npm @serverless-stack/cli 0.60.2

latest releases: 1.18.4, 1.18.3, 1.18.2...
2 years ago

ESM Support

There is now a new option bundle.format which can be set to "esm" to generate esm builds. We strongly recommend this and will become the default behavior in the future. It allows for features like top level await which makes things like loading secrets on cold-start a lot smoother.

Some libraries you are using may be written in a way that does not work with ESM at all so you may not be able to use this. We encourage opening issues to push more projects to ship ESM - if they are unable to it's a sign to look for an alternative.

🚀 Enhancement

🐛 Bug Fix

  • #1272 Cli: fix stacks with custom stack name fail to deploy (@fwang)

Update using:

$ npx sst update 0.60.2
$ yarn sst update 0.60.2

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