npm @serverless-stack/cli 0.6.0

latest releases: 1.18.4, 1.18.3, 1.18.2...
3 years ago

💥 Breaking Change

  • cli, resources
    • #39 Remove entry from sst.Function construct (@fwang)
      The sst.Function now takes handler, of the format path/to/file.functionName instead of entry (path/to/file.js) and handler (functionName). This change was necessary for a couple of other constructs that are on the roadmap. Moving forward, we'll be keeping breaking changes to a minimum.

🐛 Bug Fix

  • cli, resources
    • #50 Resolve paths to eslint and tsc in Yarn workspaces (@jayair)
  • cli
    • #42 Lambda functions are synthesized twice and debug stack is not removed in sst remove (@fwang)

📝 Documentation

  • resources
    • #51 Updating sst.Functions docs with handler change (@jayair)
  • Other
  • cli, core, create-serverless-stack, resources

Update using:

$ npm install --save --save-exact @serverless-stack/cli@0.6.0 @serverless-stack/resources@0.6.0

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