npm @serverless-stack/cli 0.54.0

latest releases: 1.18.4, 1.18.3, 1.18.2...
2 years ago

📢 Significant update

This release contains extensive changes with the building + watching lifecycle. These changes greatly improve performance especially when dealing with a large set of functions. Most of this is invisible but there are a few things to note:

  1. All functions are no longer prebuilt on sst start - they will be built progressively as they are invoked.
  2. Building is prioritized over typechecking + linting so errors from those checks will show up asynchronously.
  3. The build files are now written to your .sst/artifacts folder and will no longer generate nested .build folders.

💥 Breaking Changes:

  1. SST Console has been temporarily disabled. Great things coming soon :)
  2. Esbuild configs must now be defined as part of function props, cannot set them in sst.json
  3. bundle.esbuildConfig cannot point to a file, it must be specified in code. However, the plugins field must point to a file that exports an array of plugins

Special shout out to @kujtimiihoxha - he was invaluable in testing and tested over a dozen broken and buggy builds (and waiting for the Cloudformation to roll out). This release would not have been possible without him

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