npm @serverless-stack/cli 0.29.2

latest releases: 1.18.4, 1.18.3, 1.18.2...
2 years ago

🚀 Enhancement

  • #478 StaticSite: add error page option to auto-redirect to the index page (@fwang)

We made a minor change to how StaticSite handle 404 pages for SPAs (ie. React, Vue, Angular). If you are using StaticSite to deploy SPAs, make sure to configure errorPage like this:

 import { StaticSite, StaticSiteErrorOptions } from "@serverless-stack/resources";
 new StaticSite(this, "ReactSite", {
   path: "path/to/src",
+  errorPage: StaticSiteErrorOptions.REDIRECT_TO_INDEX_PAGE,
   buildCommand: "npm run build",
   buildOutput: "build",

🐛 Bug Fix

  • #477 StaticSite: fix custom resource permission denied error (@fwang)

Update using:

$ npm install --save --save-exact @serverless-stack/cli@0.29.2 @serverless-stack/resources@0.29.2

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