npm @sentry/react 7.112.0

latest releases: 8.7.0, 8.6.0, 8.5.0...
one month ago

Important Changes

  • feat: Export pluggable integrations from SDK packages (#11723)

Instead of installing @sentry/integrations, you can now import the pluggable integrations directly from your SDK

// Before
import * as Sentry fromv '@sentry/browser';
import { dedupeIntegration } from '@sentry/integrations';

  integrations: [dedupeIntegration()],

// After
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser';

  integrations: [Sentry.dedupeIntegration()],

Note that only the functional integrations (e.g. xxxIntegration()) are re-exported.

Other Changes

  • feat(replay): Add "maxCanvasSize" option for replay canvases (#11732)
  • fix(serverless): [v7] Check if cloud event callback is a function (#11734)

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