npm @sentry/nestjs 8.20.0

latest releases: 9.2.0, 9.2.0-beta.0, 9.1.1-alpha.0...
7 months ago

Important Changes

  • feat(node): Allow to pass registerEsmLoaderHooks to preload (#12998)

You can write your own custom preload script and configure this in the preload options. registerEsmLoaderHooks can be
passed as an option to preloadOpenTelemetry, which allows to exclude/include packages in the preload.

  • fix(node): Do not emit fetch spans when tracing is disabled (#13003)

Sentry will not emit "fetch" spans if tracing is disabled. This is relevant for user who use their own sampler.

Other Changes

  • feat(feedback): Trigger button aria label configuration (#13008)
  • feat(nestjs): Change nest sdk setup (#12920)
  • feat(node): Extend ESM hooks options for iitm v1.10.0 (#13016)
  • feat(node): Send client reports (#12951)
  • feat(nuxt): Automatically add BrowserTracing (#13005)
  • feat(nuxt): Setup source maps with vite config (#13018)
  • feat(replay): Improve public Replay APIs (#13000)

Bundle size 📦

Path Size
@sentry/browser 22.31 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) 33.72 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) 69.82 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - with treeshaking flags 63.16 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay with Canvas) 74.21 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) 86.58 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback, metrics) 88.45 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. metrics) 26.62 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Feedback) 39.02 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. sendFeedback) 26.93 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. FeedbackAsync) 31.57 KB
@sentry/react 25.08 KB
@sentry/react (incl. Tracing) 36.8 KB
@sentry/vue 26.45 KB
@sentry/vue (incl. Tracing) 35.61 KB
@sentry/svelte 22.44 KB
CDN Bundle 23.52 KB
CDN Bundle (incl. Tracing) 35.5 KB
CDN Bundle (incl. Tracing, Replay) 69.86 KB
CDN Bundle (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) 75.15 KB
CDN Bundle - uncompressed 69 KB
CDN Bundle (incl. Tracing) - uncompressed 105.1 KB
CDN Bundle (incl. Tracing, Replay) - uncompressed 216.74 KB
CDN Bundle (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) - uncompressed 229.57 KB
@sentry/nextjs (client) 36.66 KB
@sentry/sveltekit (client) 34.39 KB
@sentry/node 111.76 KB
@sentry/node - without tracing 89.21 KB
@sentry/aws-serverless 98.34 KB

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