- Use markAsReadScheduler in MessageList:
method throttlesmarkAsRead
calls.- Reduces cmd no ack error.
- Apply common scroll hook to GroupChannel MessageList:
- Prevent whole page from scrolling when
<GroupChannel />
This issue occurs when customer implements an<GroupChannel />
in a web page with scroll. - This is a same fix that we fixed OpenChannel in
- Prevent whole page from scrolling when
- To unify message sending policies with ios & android:
- Do not show send button when there is only new line or empty space in the input.
- Do not trim leading white spaces in message text.
- Optimize lamjs import:
- Lazy load the audio converting processor(lamejs) only when
is true. - This saves 106KB Gzipped(85KB Brotli) if you are not using the VoiceMessage feature.
- Lazy load the audio converting processor(lamejs) only when