npm @sanity/vision 3.36.2

latest releases: 3.42.2-canary.38, 3.42.1, 3.41.3-before-pane-break.11...
one month ago

Installation and upgrading

To initiate a new Studio without installing the CLI globally:

npm create sanity@latest

To upgrade a v3 Studio, run this command in its folder:

npm install sanity@latest

🐛 Notable bugfixes

  • Fixes an issue where clicking "Publish" and possible other actions would throw the error Sanity LocaleContext value missing.
  • Fixes an issue in which users' names were sometimes displayed in lowercase in the tasks assignee list.

📓 Full changelog

Author Message Commit
Pedro Bonamin fix(tasks): don't lowercase users when searching in the assignee menu (#6138) 27643c8
cngonzalez fix: add default listFormat locale where LocaleProvider may not be available (#6147) 3c4d4cf

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