npm @sanity/vision 2.8.0

latest releases: 3.44.1-canary.30, 3.44.1-canary.21, 3.44.1-canary.11...
3 years ago

Upgrade the Command Line Interface (CLI) with:

npm install --global @sanity/cli

Upgrade Sanity Studio with:

sanity upgrade

✨ Highlights

Improved Sanity UI based array inputs

We have refactored the default inputs used for array types in the Sanity Studio to Sanity UI. As an added bonus, the array inputs now supports keyboard reordering by pressing space followed by arrow keys when the drag handle has focus.

🐛 Notable bugfixes

  • Fixes issue where the validation list got hidden behind the fullscreen Portable Text Editor

📓 Full changelog

Author Message Commit
Espen Hovlandsdal fix(default-login): render passed children for CorsCheck component c0f29fa
Knut Melvær chore(client): fix link and add clarification about getDocuments 6c57bfd
Espen Hovlandsdal refactor(base): transition search utilities to typescript 8cd5788
Bjørge Næss fix: use portal for validation menu (#2425) 4e99c34
Bjørge Næss test(form-builder): restore test script 438137c
Bjørge Næss test(form-builder): update test file pattern regex 8a3ce7a
Bjørge Næss refactor(form-builder): migrate default asset source to Sanity UI d12ad80
Bjørge Næss chore(form-builder): use strict mode for transitional components 1902832
Bjørge Næss chore: add css files to eslint ignore pattern a04d0f7
Bjørge Næss chore: fix lint errors bcc7b10
Marius Lundgård feat(form-builder) add TagInput 03d4a03
Bjørge Næss perf(form-builder): avoid the use of nested ::placeholder selector in TagInput ed14734
Marius Lundgård feat(form-builder): add default placeholder to TagInput eb3062f
Marius Lundgård fix(form-builder): disable TagInput when in read-only mode 7828c61
Bjørge Næss refactor(form-builder): migrate Details component to Sanity UI 08bd4fe
Bjørge Næss refactor(form-builder): initial migration of different variations of array inputs to Sanity UI 884f576
Benedicte Emilie Brækken fix(form-builder) adjust presence margins in array of primitives e5d8770
Bjørge Næss fix(form-builder) hide validation tooltip if empty markers 6a938e1
Bjørge Næss fix(form-builder) Fix rendering of array of predefined items with legacy format 3b13ff9
Bjørge Næss chore(form-builder) lint: fix unused type variable cb88f61
Marius Lundgård refactor(form-builder): increase padding and improve button labels of ArrayInput c855506
Marius Lundgård feat(form-builder): improve ArrayOfPrimitivesInput f617ff2
Marius Lundgård test(examples): add example of validation of string as primitive array item 50fffb9
Marius Lundgård refactor(form-builder): adjust padding of primitive array items 5218279
Bjørge Næss refactor(form-builder) port scroll fixes from main release line cd080ec
Bjørge Næss fix(form-builder): hide validation status when no validation items 2e8ef33
Bjørge Næss fix(form-builder): don't hide validation errors for array items when readonly 731f00e
Bjørge Næss chore(form-builder): cleanup comments and unused code 32cb01b
Bjørge Næss fix(form-builder): remove box-shadow around moved array items 05fd9af
Marius Lundgård refactor(form-builder): adjust spacing and fix lint warnings 676976c
Marius Lundgård chore(form-builder): disable import/no-unresolved in TS file 99beb7e
Marius Lundgård refactor(form-builder): add boundary element provider and deprecate EditItemFold 7edf026
Marius Lundgård refactor(form-builder): add trash icon to confirm delete button 2a61514
Marius Lundgård refactor(form-builder): adjust spacing and add comments to array grid item a69631c
Marius Lundgård perf(form-builder): use memoization to prevent unecessary rerendering 9533ebb
Marius Lundgård refactor(form-builder): adjust border radius of array items 63782f8
Bjørge Næss fix(form-builder): fix issue where change indicators on primitive array inputs are displayed even when there are no changes 6331622
Bjørge Næss fix(form-builder): use index as item key instead of type name in "add array item meny button" 4df8491
Bjørge Næss fix(form-builder): don't absolute position edit dialogs for array items ccbea93
Bjørge Næss fix: add an offset to FormFieldSet focus ring a768eaf
Bjørge Næss chore: upgrade @sanity/ui 39e0dab
Bjørge Næss chore(test-studio): add some more test-fields to reference tests df0afae
Bjørge Næss fix(client): add missing 'visibility' property on mutation event type 1a22c92
Bjørge Næss chore(form-builder): fix minor TS issue 9891a95
Bjørge Næss fix(form-builder): remove empty value on array item dialog close 714b1f3
Bjørge Næss chore(server): remove normalize.css from webpack entries 0930ac2
Bjørge Næss chore(form-builder): remove normalize.css workaround from FileInputButton 19ebbc1
Bjørge Næss chore(storybook): remove normalize.css 5b3522e
Bjørge Næss chore: add legacy-peer-deps to .npmrc a44008f

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