npm @sanity/vision 0.126.1

latest releases: 3.48.1, 3.48.0, 3.47.1...
6 years ago

Upgrade with:

sanity upgrade

And install the latest Command Line Interface (CLI) with:

npm install --global @sanity/cli

🐛 Notable bugfixes

  • Fixed a bug causing hotspot/crop handles not responding to user input
  • Misc. bugfixes related to the slug input

📓 Full changelog

Author Message Commit
Bjørge Næss [imagetool] Hotfix hotspot (#647) 2b77e3e
Bjørge Næss [cli] Use media for preview in movies template (#646) a180273
Espen Hovlandsdal [schema] Fix validation of slugs in arrays (#648) c9af1b1
Espen Hovlandsdal [schema] Fix error in slug validation when current is not set (#648) 82578ea
Bjørge Næss [form-builder] Fix bug causing editing slugs in array to have no effect (#648) 0b47ac2
Bjørge Næss [schema] Set default preview for slugs (#648) 9a068f3

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