npm @sanity/desk-tool 2.6.3

latest releases: 2.36.2, 2.36.2-weighted-search.16, 2.36.2-weighted-search.10...
3 years ago

Upgrade the Command Line Interface (CLI) with:

npm install --global @sanity/cli

Upgrade Sanity Studio with:

sanity upgrade

✨ Highlights

Revamped Date and DateTime inputs

This release includes a ground-up rewrite of the default Date and DateTime inputs in the Sanity Studio. The new date inputs are powered by Sanity UI and comes with improved keyboard accessibility and less bugs.


Old date input


New date input

📓 Full changelog

Author Message Commit
Bjørge Næss refactor(form-builder): Rewrite Date and DateTime inputs to use Sanity UI c97b154
Marius Lundgård fix(form-builder): disable presets features of DateInput 29b0d50
Marius Lundgård refactor(form-builder): move constants to a separate file 4950ed5
Marius Lundgård refactor(form-builder): move calendar components to separate files 05e6555
Marius Lundgård refactor(form-builder): refactor and improve styles of date input 735b50c
Bjørge Næss ci(vercel): skip typescript when building for vercel deployment a39c60c
Bjørge Næss fix(form-builder): add workaround for ts error (TS4023) 35459cf
Bjørge Næss test: add test ids to date inputs and migrate existing test suite ef9028e
Bjørge Næss fix: add workaround for invalid popover placement 0e218c4
Bjørge Næss chore: sort dev dependencies alphabetically 6708b70

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