npm @sanity/desk-tool 0.140.0

latest releases: 2.36.2, 2.36.2-weighted-search.16, 2.36.2-weighted-search.10...
5 years ago

Upgrade the Command Line Interface (CLI) with

npm install --global @sanity/cli

Upgrade the Content Studio with:

sanity upgrade

✨ Highlights

🎰 Reconfiguring studios

You can now easily reconfigure an existing Sanity studio project to use a different project ID and dataset, by running sanity init in an existing studio folder. This will take you through a reconfiguration process and update the sanity.json file.

You can also ship a "template" for a studio by leaving out the projectId and dataset configuration options in sanity.json - when a user runs sanity init or sanity start in a studio without these options set, it will take them through the creation or selection of a project and dataset.

⚖️ Improved studio search and experimental search config

This release introduces a way to define specific weights on fields/paths for document types.

Since the API is not stable yet, and likely subject to change, it's confgurable on the __experimental_search property for schema document types. Here's an example:

  type: 'document',
  name: 'author',
  fields: [
    {name: 'name', type: 'string'},
    // ...
  __experimental_search: [
    {weight: 1.2, path: 'name'}
  // ...

A few things to note:

  • The weight is a global multiplier across all document types, so if name on type customer has a weight of 2, and name on type author has a weight of 4, documents of type author will be ranked higher than documents of type customer, even if their name fields equally matches what the user searched for.
  • If no search config is specified on a document type, it gets derived from the preview config (which again is derived by default through schema introspection).
  • We have also united the reference search with the global search, so that they both follow the same ranking/weighting rules.

📓 Full changelog

Author Message Commit
Espen Hovlandsdal [schema] Add missing fields to span type (#1154) 5dd5371
Kristoffer J. Sivertsen [language-filter] Reference element outside of poppable (#1158) cd08bf7
Kristoffer J. Sivertsen [components] Add truncate prop to validationlist and item (#1132) 287fdc1
Kristoffer J. Sivertsen [components] Auto-collapse animation smoothness (#1150) 6284fa1
Espen Hovlandsdal [core] Improve dataset name validation (#1162) 1c3aef4
Espen Hovlandsdal [cli] Allow reconfiguring studio projects (#1163) 26d5913
Kristoffer J. Sivertsen [default-layout] Show first letter in name as fallback (#1167) 124a4fe
Bjørge Næss [default-layout] Give the search hit container a max height of 80vh in order to fit more items (#1166) 7dbc0eb
Bjørge Næss [base] Experimental search config with weights (#1168) a6f3caf

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