npm @sanity/desk-tool 0.130.0

latest releases: 2.36.2, 2.36.2-weighted-search.16, 2.36.2-weighted-search.10...
6 years ago

Upgrade with:

sanity upgrade

And install the latest Command Line Interface (CLI) with:

npm install --global @sanity/cli

✨ Highlights

E-commerce sample schema

Till now when you have set up new projects with sanity init you have had the choice between a film database and blog to provide examples of how well known data structures are modeled in Sanity. Now we've expanded this to an e-commerce example.

For an example frontend to use with this schema, check out our Vue/Nuxt.js based ecommerce example frontend

If you don't like blogs, movie databases or e-commerce you can always just:
sanity init --template clean

Error boundaries

If something inside of a tool crashes during rendering, a more user-friendly error message will be displayed.

Default input for date strings

We already had a default input for datetime types, now we also have an input for plain dates (as in date strings without a time segment, e.g. 2018-05-03)

Better feedback on invalid preview config

We have received quite a few error reports that have been caused by invalid values returned from the preview config. Instead of a hard failure in the Studio, these errors should now be handled more gracefully along with a detailed explanation in the developer console.

Node v10 compatibility

Initializing and running a Sanity Studio locally on Node v10 should now work.

📓 Full changelog

Author Message Commit
Bjørge Næss [core] Remove checksum warning until we can provide a way of fixing (#757) 8e9ea1b
Bjørge Næss [preview] Tolerate invalid values returned from preview config and provide helpful errors (#760) 3d14c29
Bjørge Næss [form-builder] Refactor DateTimeInput and add DateInput (#756) 4a97723
Espen Hovlandsdal [cli] Use npm registry for modules. Upgrade yarn to 1.6.0 (#763) 7d062c2
Espen Hovlandsdal [chore] Test on node 10 instead of node 9 (#759) 298ab7f
Espen Hovlandsdal [presence-store] Fix path to entry file (#765) c88c677
Espen Hovlandsdal [reflector-client] Reuse sanity client instead of using get-it directly (#764) 4ad6e6d
Espen Hovlandsdal [form-builder] Add dl-parameter on download links to trigger attachment disposition (#767) e4f10b3
Espen Hovlandsdal [default-layout] Provide error boundary at tool level (#766) 4ea2fa1
Kristoffer J. Sivertsen [cli] Adding ecommerce-studio (#758) 5524c36

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