npm @sanity/core 2.6.2

latest releases: 2.36.2, 2.36.2-weighted-search.16, 2.36.2-weighted-search.10...
3 years ago

Upgrade the Command Line Interface (CLI) with:

npm install --global @sanity/cli

Upgrade Sanity Studio with:

sanity upgrade

✨ Highlights

🐛 Notable bugfixes

This release:

  • Fixes occational z-index issues on narrow screens
  • Fixes an issue that could sometimes cause an error when opening the review changes panel
  • Hides the "generate" button in slug inputs without a configured source
  • Fixes a z-index issue with the Google Maps input making the search field disappear behind the map

📓 Full changelog

Author Message Commit
Marius Lundgård chore: update @sanity/ui d346966
Espen Hovlandsdal chore(deps): upgrade @reach/auto-id (#2358) 770d983
Marius Lundgård fix: resolve z-index issues on narrow screens (#2361) 3c9816b
Bjørge Næss test: use data-testid instead of data-test ca53fc3
Bjørge Næss test(form-builder): give all inputs a data-testid with their given path 627a5ad
Bjørge Næss build: add js task 717c952
Bjørge Næss build: drop support for node 8 when building packages 2343e07
Bjørge Næss fix(desk-tool): make sure there's a valid selection state before opening the review changes panel aca45b7
Marius Lundgård fix(desk-tool): fix position of pane header and presence avatars (#2369) b24e6be
Paul Welsh feat(language-filter): add defaultLanguage option 55c6332
Nicholas Klem chore(deps): upgrade globby from 9.2.0 to 10.0.0 (#2365) 367682f
Nicholas Klem chore(deps): upgrade chokidar from 2.1.8 to 3.0.0 (#2366) 18f4ae3
Espen Hovlandsdal chore(examples): use different google maps api key 28b4212
Espen Hovlandsdal fix(google-maps-input): make search results visible by raising z-index 5c5eafd
Espen Hovlandsdal fix(examples): typo in slugs example (not source => no source) 981d21d
Espen Hovlandsdal fix(form-builder): hide slug generate button if field has no source da6fc83

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