npm @sanity/core 0.137.0

latest releases: 2.36.2, 2.36.2-weighted-search.16, 2.36.2-weighted-search.10...
5 years ago

Upgrade the Command Line Interface (CLI) with

npm install --global @sanity/cli

Upgrade the Content Studio with:

sanity upgrade

Oh, and by the way, if you're using npm > 5.2 you can now do npm init sanity or yarn create sanity to initialize a new Sanity studio project.

✨ Highlights

🧮 Autocollapsing Panes!

The structure builder brought great things like singletons and query based collections. But in the abiliy to drill down by expanding there was also an issue: what happens when you run out of room?

Autocollapsing panes solves this by automatically folding the innermost panes when space becomes tight. It also makes the studio a joy navigate on iPad in landscape format.

💣 > sanity undeploy

You can now remove a deployed studio from our hosting service. This also unassigns the hostname you have chosen for the studio so you can pick a different name when redeploying.

🤪 Wildcards + uncredentialed CORS-origins ⚠️

CORS origins now support wildcards (for example https://* or http://localhost:*) as well as a flag for whether or not the origin should be allowed to send authenticated requests (using tokens or sessions).

While this is a much requested feature, we want to emphasize that you should be very careful about allowing wildcards in your origins. Most CORS-origins should be uncredentialed, except for hosts that needs to do mutations or see private data (drafts or private datasets).

🐛 Notable bugfixes

  • Fixed a bug in @sanity/color-input causing missing keys for arrays of colors
  • Code input now automatically registers its schema so you can simply use type: 'code' after installing it
  • Fixed a bug where sanity dataset import would not treat special characters in imported asset URLs correctly, leading to 404s
  • Fixed a bug where sanity dataset import could cause unpredictable results if the source contained documents with duplicate IDs
  • Fixed a bug where sanity init plugin would not actually bootstrap any files on Windows
  • Fixed a bug where selecting references on big datasets was slow
  • Support for phones with a notch in landscape mode

📓 Full changelog

Author Message Commit
Kristoffer J. Sivertsen [components] Fix subtitle overflow crop (#1071) e4a92cb
Kristoffer J. Sivertsen [desk-tool] Auto collapse panes (#1059) 835ad8d
Kristoffer J. Sivertsen [components] Buttons cleanup (#1067) 224a691
Kristoffer J. Sivertsen [desk-tool] Autocollapse hover & click area (#1072) f5ba239
Espen Hovlandsdal [core] Remove unused dependencies 1ffa13b
Espen Hovlandsdal [import] Fix incorrectly encoded URIs in source stream (#1073) 28bd33d
Bjørge Næss [color-input] Make color input emit setIfMissing w/default value in order to preserve _key (#1074) 5826b8b
Bjørge Næss [create-sanity] Add create-sanity package (#1075) bc36907
Bjørge Næss [sanity] Add sanity package (placeholder) (#1076) 94164c6
Kristoffer J. Sivertsen [color-input] Object with object with colors (#1078) d697ccc
Kristoffer J. Sivertsen [default-layout] Use safe area to place outside notch (#1077) 6b2efef
Kristoffer J. Sivertsen [components] Sync styleselect with realtime block editor branch (#1079) 3989575
Kristoffer J. Sivertsen [components] Tiny design fixes (#1080) 6c0bffe
Kristoffer J. Sivertsen [components] Fallback when no onEscape or onClose (#1082) 251a0d5
Kristoffer J. Sivertsen [components] Deprecate button collection (#1083) 49dde35
Kristoffer J. Sivertsen [form-builder] Cap reference search (#1084) bfb354f
Marius Lundgård [components] Use default cursor (#1086) 542feaa
Kristoffer J. Sivertsen [components] Stop propagation when item click (#1089) b5ceb86
Kristoffer J. Sivertsen [color-input] Readonly color input (#1088) cd6d31a
Bjørge Næss [preview] Keep latest known snapshot when unsubscribing from offscreen values (#1094) a404170
Espen Hovlandsdal [cli] Fix plugin bootstrapping on Windows (#1099) e93c148
Espen Hovlandsdal [core] Add support for wildcard + credential-less CORS-origins (#1093) b4ea397
Espen Hovlandsdal [core] Introduce sanity undeploy for undeploying + unassigning studio hostname (#1100) 0ddb753
Kristoffer J. Sivertsen [all] Alt tag on image (#1097) dc47870
Kristoffer J. Sivertsen [form-builder] Not have Edit in title when readOnly (#1090) f7b8039
Kristoffer J. Sivertsen [components] Hide actions when collapsed (#1087) 7f49cd8
Espen Hovlandsdal [code-input] Implement schema part, better readme, use lazy requires (#1098) 942828d
Kristoffer J. Sivertsen [form-builder] Removing alt on image (#1101) 256054c
Espen Hovlandsdal [import] Throw error when encountering duplicate IDs (#1102) 2b9e959
Kristoffer J. Sivertsen [desk-tool] Auto collapse fixes (#1103) e0caa54

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