npm @sanity/client 5.0.0

latest releases: 6.20.2-beta.2, 6.20.2-beta.1, 6.20.2-beta.0...
17 months ago

5.0.0 (2023-02-02)


  • We have removed the default export and replaced it with a named one:

    -import SanityClient from '@sanity/client'
    +import {createClient} from '@sanity/client'

We're working on a codemod for this migration.
The migration guide outlines every breaking change and how to migrate your code


  • full Node.js ESM runtime support (#86) (bd9b247), closes /
  • codebase rewritten in TypeScript, typings are generated and no longer manually maintained
  • make httpRequest on SanityClient configurable, intended for libraries wishing to extend the client
  • feat: shipping modern syntax, reducing bundlesize

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