npm @sanity/cli 3.7.0

latest releases: 3.48.0, 3.47.1, 3.47.0...
15 months ago

Installation and upgrading

To initiate a new Studio without installing the CLI globally:

npx create-sanity@latest

To upgrade a v3 Studio:

npm install sanity@latest

✨ Highlights

  • Adds getClient() method to reference filter context

🐛 Notable bugfixes

  • Invalid references can now be removed from array inputs
  • Validation error will now appear when missing a _ref in array of items
  • Removes convert to reference button when converting array of references to singular reference
  • patch.execute() now reflects that the second argument is optional

📓 Full changelog

Author Message Commit
Robin Pyon chore(test-studio): add debug input containing many fields 46f41bd
Binoy Patel fix(core): fix deleting invalid reference items in array (#4256) a81119e
Espen Hovlandsdal feat(core): provide getClient() method to reference filter context (#4267) 28f2f6a
Espen Hovlandsdal docs: add docblock for useClient hook (#4259) a432c40
Binoy Patel fix(validation): show validation error for missing _ref (#4264) 5634746
Bjørge Næss fix(core): fix typings to reflect that the second argument to patch.execute is optional (#4274) 401192c
Binoy Patel fix(core): remove button to convert to reference for arrays (#4275) 5d3de49

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