npm @sanity/cli 2.17.1

latest releases: 3.48.0, 3.47.1, 3.47.0...
2 years ago

Upgrade the Command Line Interface (CLI) with:

npm install --global @sanity/cli

Upgrade Sanity Studio with:

sanity upgrade

🐛 Notable bugfixes

  • Fixes incorrect marker paths and focus issues in the validation list and form builder (#2713).
  • Fixes new "Unable to resolve type for item" errors in validation (#2715)

📓 Full changelog

Author Message Commit
Rico Kahler fix(validation): resolve array items without _type (#2715) 4bd8082
Rico Kahler fix(validation): fix and clarify item-level paths 7c40692
Rico Kahler test(validation): add failing slug test; configure jest 9522cc9
Rico Kahler chore: upgrade to typescript 4.4 711e698

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