npm @sanity/base 2.30.0

latest releases: 2.36.2, 2.36.2-weighted-search.16, 2.36.2-weighted-search.10...
24 months ago

Upgrade the Command Line Interface (CLI) with:

npm install --global @sanity/cli

Upgrade Sanity Studio with:

sanity upgrade

✨ Highlights

  • CLI copy dataset command now always prints a job id to make it easier to resume watching running jobs
  • It is now possible to navigate to a referring document from the 'delete document' dialog

🐛 Notable bugfixes

  • Fixed an issue where sanity deploy would return "Hostname already taken" for all errors
  • Added explanation in sanity exec --help on how to add arbitrary arguments to the script
  • Fixed date formatting issue in validation tooltip
  • Added scroll to the types dropdown menu when creating a new reference

📓 Full changelog

Author Message Commit
Nina Andal Aarvik fix(cli): show correct error msg for sanity deploy errors (#3269) d430381
Geoff Ball fix(desk-tool): restore S.documentList().defaultOrdering() functionality (#3245) 65c773a
Espen Hovlandsdal fix(cli): correct checks for cli auth token f7a7c35
Nina Andal Aarvik fix(cli): include explanation in exec helptext of how to pass arbitrary arguments (#3270) 7f8a042
Herman Wikner feat(desk-tool): pass documentScrollElement as portal element to PortalProvider in DocumentPanel 0b70237
Herman Wikner fix(base): fix field presence tooltip z-index issues e4ef2a1
Herman Wikner fix(default-layout): restore focus on buttons when closing dialogs in navbar c4f8f82
Per-Kristian Nordnes fix(desk-tool): open documentation link in new window c9976f7
Dain Cilke feat(cli): print copy dataset job id 5a41d1c
Herman Wikner feat(desk-tool): add portal to DraftStatus and PublishedStatus b1021c3
Herman Wikner feat(desk-tool): add ReferencePreviewLink to ConfirmDeleteDialogBody + update UI 179f0d9
Herman Wikner feat(desk-tool): pass onReferenceLinkClick to ConfirmDeleteDialog 9f7b134
Rico Kahler test(desk-tool): mock usePaneRouter 86b7458
Martin Jacobsen feat: changes links for Hello Sanity (#3241) 5ea477a
Nina Andal Aarvik fix(base): add scrolling to dropdown when adding new reference (#3281) 788a541
Herman Wikner fix(validation): fix broken date validation message ce58d83
Espen Hovlandsdal refactor(validation): correct typings on date formatter c35e63d
Espen Hovlandsdal chore(test-studio): add schema example for minimum date value 02c5a42

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