npm @rspack/core 0.2.0

latest releases: 1.0.0-alpha.0, 0.7.6-canary-1a0d77d-20240627143904, 0.7.6-canary-f272bd8-20240625122346...
13 months ago

Rspack 0.2.0 is out!

Read the announcement blog post: Announcing Rspack 0.2.


Official vue-loader support 🎉

And also

What's Changed

Breaking Changes 🛠

  • fix: align rspack-dev-middleware and rspack-plugin-html export with webpack by @hardfist in #3358

Performance Improvements ⚡

  • perf(core): improve cold startup performance by caching depended_modules function in code splitter by @Boshen in #2294
  • perf(rspack_core): reduce memory allocation when cloning RuntimeSpec by @Boshen in #2844
  • perf: avoid clone while matching import.meta.webpackHot by @hyf0 in #2857
  • perf: bailout if possible and ignore AstNode of type in ReactRefreshUsageFinder by @hyf0 in #2875
  • perf: compose loaders on the native side by @h-a-n-a in #2894
  • perf: 🤖 optimize regex by @IWANABETHATGUY in #3113
  • perf: skip call chunkAsset hook when not in use by @jerrykingxyz in #3228
  • perf: emit_assets only emit changed assets by @jerrykingxyz in #3305

Exciting New Features 🎉

Bug Fixes 🐞

Other Changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.1.0...0.2.0

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