npm @riophae/vue-treeselect 0.0.24

latest releases: 0.4.0, 0.3.0, 0.2.0...
6 years ago


New Bundles

From this version, vue-treeselect will export a non-minified version of bundle if you are consuming via a bundler like webpack or browserify, which brings some extra benefits:

  • Better debugging experience (for example, vue-treeselect will detect duplicate node ids and output warnings)
  • Source map support for both JavaScript & CSS

New Delayed Loading Mechanism

This version also comes with a refactor of delayed loading feature. The old loadRootOptions, loadChildrenOptions & loadChildrenErrorText props have been removed, and a new loadOptions prop added. For the reason of limitation that Vue cannot detect property additions, I decided to remove support for declaring unloaded branch nodes by setting isBranch: true. Check out the docs for details.

Other Changes

  • Will not preserve space for arrows anymore when no branch nodes present (#68)
  • The first time for vue-treeselect to hit 100% test coverage!

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