npm @remix-run/vercel 1.2.2

latest releases: 1.19.3, 1.19.3-pre.0, 0.0.0-nightly-06fc77f-20230808...
2 years ago

What Changed?

This release fixes a few pesky bugs, simplifies the default caching strategy in our Express starter, and improves a few error messages. Enjoy!

🐛 Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in our compiler that incorrectly handled modules that omit a default export (#1998)
    • While this behavior was in fact a bug, it also means that apps that incorrectly import default from modules that don't expose a default export may have worked before and break after an update. Fixing this will require a small refactor:
      // old buggy code
      import fakeDefault from "some-module";
      // new, not-so-buggy code
      import * as fakeDefault from "some-module";
    • See evanw/esbuild#2019 (comment) for more details:
  • Fixed an issue causing loaders to revalidate unneccessarily with unchanged search params (#1965)
  • Fixed a bug with <ScrollRestoration /> where routes with a hash restored to the hashed element instead of the user's last scroll position. This fix improves the default UX for forward/back navigation. (#1937)
  • Fixed an issue that caused .client files to be included in server builds (#2019)
  • Updated our global environemtnt checks to support runtime targets that include window as a global variable (#2025)

💅 Enhancements

  • Simplified the asset caching strategy in our Express template. This makes it easier for users to send more targeted cache headers for various types of requests. (#1994)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.2.1...v1.2.2

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