npm @remix-run/dev 1.3.3

latest releases: 0.0.0-nightly-bd4f87355-20240628, 0.0.0-nightly-1789c0cc2-20240626, 2.10.0...
2 years ago

What's Changed

💅 Enhancements

  • We made some internal changes that will deprecate the remix setup command. This will eventually enable better cross-platform runtime support and work more consistently with package managers like pnpm and Yarn PnP. (#2359, #2434) We'll have more to say about this soon!

🐛 Bug fixes

  • Keys in the object returned by a route's meta export that were undefined would previous render a meta tag without a value. Empty meta values will no longer render a tag. (#2411)
  • Fixed a bug where transitions were not revalidating requests with a redirect response that sets cookies (#2370)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.3.2...v1.3.3

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