npm @reduxjs/toolkit 2.0.0-alpha.5

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17 months ago

This is an alpha release for Redux Toolkit 2.0. This release adds a new combineSlices API for reducer injection, has many changes to our build setup and published package contents, updates the redux dep to the latest alpha, updates the immer dep to 10.0 final, includes the latest changes from 1.9.x, and has breaking changes.


New combineSlices API

The Redux core has always included combineReducers, which takes an object full of "slice reducer" functions and generates a reducer that calls those slice reducers. RTK's createSlice generates slice reducers + associated action creators, and we've taught the pattern of exporting individual action creators as named exports and the slice reducer as a default export. Meanwhile, we've never had official support for lazy-loading reducers, although we've had sample code for some "reducer injection" patterns in our docs.

This release includes a new combineSlices API that is designed to enable lazy-loading of reducers at runtime. It accepts individual slices or an object full of slices as arguments, and automatically calls combineReducers using the field as the key for each state field. The generated reducer function has an additional .inject() method attached that can be used to dynamically inject additional slices at runtime. It also includes a .withLazyLoadedSlices() method that can be used to generate TS types for reducers that will be added later. See #2776 for the original discussion around this idea.

For now, we are not building this into configureStore, so you'll need to call const rootReducer = combineSlices(.....) yourself and pass that to configureStore({reducer: rootReducer}).

We don't have documentation added for these features yet, but here's example usages from the combineSlices PR tests:

Basic usage: a mixture of slices and standalone reducers passed to combineSlices
const stringSlice = createSlice({
  name: 'string',
  initialState: '',
  reducers: {},

const numberSlice = createSlice({
  name: 'number',
  initialState: 0,
  reducers: {},

const booleanReducer = createReducer(false, () => {})

const api = createApi(/*  */)

const combinedReducer = combineSlices(
    num: numberSlice.reducer,
    boolean: booleanReducer,
expect(combinedReducer(undefined, dummyAction())).toEqual({
  string: stringSlice.getInitialState(),
  num: numberSlice.getInitialState(),
  boolean: booleanReducer.getInitialState(),
  api: api.reducer.getInitialState(),
Basic slice reducer injection
// Create a reducer with a TS type that knows `numberSlice` will be injected
const combinedReducer =
    WithSlice<typeof numberSlice>

// `state.number` doesn't exist initially
expect(combinedReducer(undefined, dummyAction()).number).toBe(undefined)

// Create a new reducer with `numberSlice` injected
const injectedReducer = combinedReducer.inject(numberSlice)

// `state.number` now exists
expect(injectedReducer(undefined, dummyAction()).number).toBe(

Selectors support in createSlice

The existing createSlice API now has support for defining selectors directly as part of the slice. By default, these will be generated with the assumption that the slice is mounted in the root state using as the field, such as name: "todos" -> rootState.todos. You can call sliceObject.getSelectors(selectSliceState) to generate the selectors with an alternate location, similar to how entityAdapter.getSelectors() works.

Slice selectors
const slice = createSlice({
  name: 'counter',
  initialState: 42,
  reducers: {},
  selectors: {
    selectSlice: (state) => state,
    selectMultiple: (state, multiplier: number) => state * multiplier,

// Basic usage
const testState = {
  []: slice.getInitialState(),
const { selectSlice, selectMultiple } = slice.selectors
expect(selectMultiple(testState, 2)).toBe(slice.getInitialState() * 2)

// Usage with the slice reducer mounted under a different key
const customState = {
  number: slice.getInitialState(),
const { selectSlice, selectMultiple } = slice.getSelectors(
  (state: typeof customState) => state.number
expect(selectMultiple(customState, 2)).toBe(slice.getInitialState() * 2)

Build Setup Updates

We've switched our build setup to use tsup, an ESBuild-powered build framework. This release should have identical build artifacts to 2.0.0-alpha.4, but let us know if there are any issues!

Immer 10.0

Immer 10.0 is now final, and has several major improvements and updates:

  • Much faster update perf
  • Much smaller bundle size
  • Better ESM/CJS package formatting
  • No default export
  • No ES5 fallback

We've updated RTK to depend on the final Immer 10.0 release .

Redux 5.0 alpha and TS types updates

We've updated RTK to use the latest Redux 5.0-alpha.5 release, which tweaks the Reducer type, drops the internal $CombinedState type, and updates middleware types to default to unknown for actions.

For RTK, we've improved type inference for store enhancers, especially those that add additional fields to the state or store.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.0.0-alpha.4...v2.0.0-alpha.5

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