npm @react-native-community/netinfo 8.0.0

latest releases: 11.4.1, 11.4.0, 11.3.3...
2 years ago

8.0.0 (2022-02-10)

  • fix(CHANGELOG)!: note that v7.1.12 is breaking if you have wifi SSID permission (#574) (99072e0), closes #574


  • it's possible this is a breaking change, depending on your app use case. If you relied on iOS SSID information and met Apple's strict criteria for accessing SSID, you need to set the new config value shouldFetchWiFiSSID to true. If you set it to true and do not meet the criteria your app may crash due to a memory leak. All versions prior to 7.1.12 would attempt to fetch the information regardless of permission, leak memory, and possibly crash. This change avoids that crash.

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