npm @progress/kendo-theme-default 8.0.0

latest releases: 10.1.0-dev.4, 10.1.0-dev.3, 10.1.0-dev.2...
10 months ago

8.0.0 (2024-05-07)

Bug Fixes

  • html: appbar should not have fillMode (1d2eef6)
  • generate sass swatches compatible with the new color system (b510c58)
  • incorrect color mapping in the new color system (634edce)
  • loader: loader container stays underneath windows and dialogs (7ec89a7)


  • core: add a function that automatically generates the color variations (8be6f9a)
  • utils: generate utility classes with css variables (94d993b)
  • calendar: update styles to match design guidelines (3657cd0)
  • drawer: update styles to match universal rendering (b042afa)
  • floating-label: update styles to match the universal rendering (93ae817)
  • panelbar: update styles to match universal rendering (d58280e)
  • bootstrap: enable color system (45cc0b8)
  • classic: enable color system (831b390)
  • default: enable color system (0d08db2)
  • fluent: enable color system (422ad07)
  • material: enable color system (2dc48a0)
  • bootstrap: integrate radii module (df28c2c)
  • bootstrap: integrate spacing module (5821954)
  • bootstrap: integrate typography module (7c83f2a)
  • classic: implement spacing module (0c89d65)
  • classic: integrate radii module (7161644)
  • classic: integrate typography module (4e02f97)
  • core: implement radii module (f963232)
  • core: implement spacing module (7b863e5)
  • core: implement typography module (8954987)
  • default: integrate radii module (abd3f5f)
  • default: integrate spacing module (3a7741b)
  • default: integrate typography module (f4a6d94)
  • fluent: integrate radii module (648bc00)
  • fluent: integrate spacing module (c24f703)
  • fluent: integrate typography module (43955ba)
  • material: integrate radii module (667b4e5)
  • material: integrate spacing module (0b934b3)
  • material: integrate typography module (4f70d1e)
  • utils: integrate radii module (228cac1)
  • utils: integrate spacing module (a83b524)
  • utils: integrate typography module (aa155a1)


  • fluent: This commit enables the new Color System,
    which introduces a new way of implementing and customizing the colors.
    If the user has customized some of the old color variables like
    $kendo-color-primary, $kendo-body-bg, $kendo-base-bg, etc, they
    would need to migrate their customizations by following the Migration Guide
    which can be found in the Progress Design System Docs.
  • material: This commit enables the new Color System,
    which introduces a new way of implementing and customizing the colors.
    If the user has customized some of the old color variables like
    $kendo-color-primary, $kendo-body-bg, $kendo-base-bg, etc, they
    would need to migrate their customizations by following the Migration Guide
    which can be found in the Progress Design System Docs.
  • bootstrap: This commit enables the new Color System,
    which introduces a new way of implementing and customizing the colors.
    If the user has customized some of the old color variables like
    $kendo-color-primary, $kendo-body-bg, $kendo-base-bg, etc, they
    would need to migrate their customizations by following the Migration Guide
    which can be found in the Progress Design System Docs.
  • classic: This commit enables the new Color System,
    which introduces a new way of implementing and customizing the colors.
    If the user has customized some of the old color variables like
    $kendo-color-primary, $kendo-body-bg, $kendo-base-bg, etc, they
    would need to migrate their customizations by following the Migration Guide
    which can be found in the Progress Design System Docs.
  • default: This commit enables the new Color System,
    which introduces a new way of implementing and customizing the colors.
    If the user has customized some of the old color variables like
    $kendo-color-primary, $kendo-body-bg, $kendo-base-bg, etc, they
    would need to migrate their customizations by following the Migration Guide
    which can be found in the Progress Design System Docs.

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