6.7.0-dev.1 (2023-07-25)
Bug Fixes
- chat: fix message-box button position in rtl (6ecdd1b)
- grid: remove placeholder-line explicit width (0ba0185)
- tilelayout: set padding through themes instead of inline (f5c7186)
- chat: align attachments based on user who attaches them (97796b6)
- chat: rename k-bubble to k-chat-bubble (8ef2553)
- chat: update chat styles to match new rendering (b094e2d)
- html: add chat spec (3aa8e9f)
- html: add listgroup spec (c696dc6)
- html: add scrollview spec (a419dae)
- html: add skeleton helper (bcc944f)
- html: add tilelayout helpers (ddbf11b)
- pager: improve adaptivenes (709653a)
- scrollview: update scrollview styles to match new rendering (b7c5cb6)