6.2.0 (2023-03-06)
Bug Fixes
- actionsheet: update selector to match new rendering (925c27a)
- add missing dependency to utils in all components (3db490b)
- add missing values for flex-grid align, justify and place (2e4867d)
- always use optional flag when extending (d556d20)
- bootstrap swatches do not override inherited primary color (f30ce5b)
- chip: chipmenu popup not properly positioned (d096bfa)
- color-system: use separate steps for color manip in light and dark themes (d6ad992)
- do not increase horizontal padding with large size (656d978)
- dropzone: inner dropzone should not be clickable (5e3517e)
- fluent: adjust lg/xl font sizes (f19ee97)
- grid: replace k-alt selector with k-table-alt-row in grid (a1b38eb)
- icons: size and position svg icons in bootstrap, fluent and material themes (ba05f9d)
- icons: size and position svg icons in components (3bf1e5f)
- icons: update expand/collapse icons aliases (5105dad)
- pivotgrid: fix vertical alignment of pivotgrid cells (0f24a48)
- pivotgrid: scope pivot k-alt style (d9f91a7)
- remove duplicate selector for disabled (f55fb09)
- spreadsheet: remove bottom border from spreadsheet tabstrip (01a16c9)
- stepper: svg icon creates stacking index in rtl (609e5aa)
- tabstrip: icons direction in rtl (7a9a730)
- tabstrip: refactor directional styles for tabstrip and items (b564b31)
- tabstrip: unnest selectors to produce correct output when theme is nested (b827781)
- treelist: no spacing between the elements in the angular treelist filter menu (c496c3a)
- typography: streamline text overflow and text truncate styles (8058111)
- use logical text align (aa958e7)