5.7.0 (2022-09-05)
Bug Fixes
- add calc function when calculating line-height-em (0f7a691)
- add important utils for position (4d6e1dd)
- button: add default to -button-padding-y-lg value (f6b1afe)
- calendar: incorrect cell height (a80d70e)
- calendar: remove hidden from out of range cells to allow customization with themebuilder (75efce8)
- card: improve callout styles and remove unnecessery variables (7e8ab03)
- charts: add chart tooltip popup styles when not a direct child (c3ec811)
- colorgradient: change icon selector to a more generic one (869fb83)
- colorpicker: import missing coloreditor dependency (64dbc07)
- daterangepicker: allow $kendo-daterange-picker-input-width customization (8dee65a)
- dropdowngrid: import missing table dependency (53a72b8)
- editor: add support for k-i-caret-br (3d16bf2)
- fluent: add missing form-label bottom margin (c0e61fb)
- fluent: fix input layout when component size is set to none (d34b7be)
- fluent: use correct floating-label y offset value (6347439)
- grid: add support for sort-asc-small and sort-desc-small icons (f1196db)
- html: k-icon-button class is added twice to dropdown button (cf89feb)
- notification: add suport for k-i-x icon (d0f2e9f)
- pager: add support for pager icons (7897467)
- panelbar: panelbar item focus should not have outline (d891696)
- pivotgrid: add focus state to empty cell in header (af75b45)
- popover: improve callout styles and remove unnecessery variables (26055ad)
- scheduler: add support for caret-alt-left and right icons (59df4a5)
- scheduler: add support for k-i-arrow-rotate-cw (afc91fa)
- slider: change icon selectors for prev and next buttons (88fbe81)
- splitter: icons spacing selector (f7d2a70)
- utils: add missing position aliases (afd8f2c)
- utils: fixes invalid css property values (bd88a5e)
- action-buttons: add fluent styles (9e958a7)
- action-sheet: add action-sheet fluent styles (b48b622)
- appbar: add fluent styles (6800d89)
- avatar: add avatar styles for fluent (b42be03)
- badge: update styles to match updated badge component options (83d705d)
- bottom-nav: add fluent styles (2413b73)
- breadcrumb: add fluent styles (d2401f1)
- captcha: add fluent styles (5061c1f)
- card: init fluent styles (b9dc65a)
- checkbox: add checkbox styles (5e1a3da)
- chip: add fluent styles (128d7f0)
- color-preview: add fluent styles (b77834e)
- coloreditor: add fluent styles (a5b6dec)
- colorgradient: add fluent styles (1c32a05)
- colorpalette: add fluent styles (4e65289)
- colorpicker: add fluent styles (ec277f0)
- dataviz: add fluent styles (69108b5)
- drawer: add fluent styles (e8787e8)
- dropzone: add fluent styles (aab27ec)
- expansion-panel: add fluent styles (5511620)
- fab: add fluent styles (031bae5)
- filemanager: add fluent styles (105b94e)
- filter: add fluent styles (38e8419)
- fluent: add badge styles (6d0a622)
- fluent: add editor styles (6edaa00)
- fluent: add floating-label styles (b328b6e)
- fluent: add fluent inpust as individial modules (1b0e951)
- fluent: add notification styles (0c0b52a)
- fluent: add panelbar fluent styles (2944772)
- fluent: add styles for fluent slider (f689b13)
- fluent: add styles to listview (6275b46)
- fluent: add tabstrip styles (1a3abc9)
- fluent: add tooltip styles (9a90e32)
- fluent: add validator styles (434c282)
- forms: add fluent styles (812a0f8)
- grid: add fluent styles (7dab140)
- html: add badge html helper (c651ffa)
- html: streamline interactive class names (4a46e3e)
- imageeditor: fluent styles (2d75552)
- input: add fluent styles (a526954)
- list: add fluent styles (4a48b82)
- listbox: add fluent styles (40fa874)
- listgroup: add fluent styles (fb28d06)
- loader: add fluent styles (cfb6f93)
- map: add fluent styles (41115dc)
- mediaplayer: fluent styles (c856947)
- menu-button: add fluent styles (635aba5)
- menu: add fluent styles (172d46e)
- messagebox: add fluent styles (7f7ff1e)
- orgchart: add fluent styles (59f1a3b)
- pager: add fluent styles (e00a13f)
- pdf-viewer: update component to match latest design (8e25562)
- popover: add styles to Fluent (7ab846c)
- progressbar: add progressbar fluent styles (a0cf62e)
- radiobutton: add radio button styles (fd0a868)
- rating: add fluent styles (591d0b0)
- responsivepanel: fluent styles (6e4bc47)
- ripple: add fluent styles (a9f1359)
- scheduler: add scheduler fluent styles (c38b9b6)
- scroller: add fluent styles (640c9f1)
- signature: add fluent styles (d54703a)
- skeleton: add fluent styles (e6a9ddb)
- split-button: add fluent styles (70758cf)
- splitter: add fluent styles (cde3496)
- stepper: add fluent styles (d44a71f)
- streamline interactive class names (041a9ee)
- switch: add fluent styles (5bb39cc)
- table: add fluent styles (21af0f2)
- taskboard: add fluent styles (1132383)
- tilelayout: add styles to Fluent (cb8aeee)
- timeselector: add fluent styles (17317b4)
- toolbar: add fluent styles (c56e076)
- toolbar: add focus state for k-toolbar-item (59f8ca9)
- treelist: add fluent styles (21dcadb)
- treeview: add fluent styles (6a260eb)
- upload: add upload fluent styles (41758f0)
- virtual-scroller: add fluent styles (20dfa5a)
- wizard: add fluent styles (c79af6f)