5.3.0 (2022-04-04)
Bug Fixes
- actionsheet: use subtle text variable for description styling (043ca4a)
- add clear button to json option file (9bda9f6)
- button: allow $kendo-solid-button-shade-function to be customized (83f8965)
- button: remove forced aspect ratio (8e41299)
- chat: add pre-wrap to chat messages (78a5e6d)
- chip: add box-shadow none on focus (86b845d)
- chip: text color in dark swatches (1682fcc)
- chip: update solid chip background color to match design (18353e9)
- colorgradient: use subtle text variable for input labels (860853a)
- colorpalette: use k-selected for selected state (92fdec8)
- dropdowngrid: reset data table border width in popup (af33de2)
- dropdowntree: wrong padding of the check-all element (ba3f72e)
- dropzone: use subtle text variable for note styling (8a416c1)
- expansion-panel: use subtle text variable for sub title styling (53ca03c)
- floating-label: add offset in front of floating-label in material theme (5322dfc)
- floating-label: address comments (4cb59c8)
- floating-label: allow label to be clickable in order to focus associated input (4a2acb8)
- floating-label: apply correct transitioning and alignment in rtl direction (f4e423d)
- floating-label: ensure styles are applied when using k-empty class (fdebefa)
- floating-label: ensure styles are applied when using k-focus class (8c6c318)
- form: action buttons overflow (4dbd1f3)
- grid: allow th cell alignment when sortable is enabled (a6adf50)
- grid: incorrect header sorting icon selector (eec44f5)
- html: add k-input-loading-icon class to loading icon (f38780b)
- html: avatar rounded option value (865dc33)
- html: remove rounding option from radio buttons readme (48fb0f7)
- html: remove unneeded attributes from map (9993a73)
- html: update validation icon classes (7cdc86a)
- input: allow placeholder text color customization on generic input (86270a9)
- input: correctly handle native disabled inputs (bd3b646)
- input: hover shadow variables not present in the code (5629d40)
- pager: ensure text inside pager does not wrap when pager is not responsive (9dd7c2b)
- taskboard: use hover color for focus state (f81ba93)
- textarea: add padding when using directive (1a0cbab)
- textbox: add necassery disabled styles (b9b9797)
- add default ocean blue swatch (867ee02)
- common/loading: add variables for loading indicator (d271873)
- html: add action buttons html helper (bc5a49f)
- html: add captcha html helper (c50a695)
- html: add colorpalette html helper (1445f1c)
- html: add dropdowngrid helper (8e32c81)
- html: add floating label html helper (61c792c)
- html: add html helper for ButtonGroup (2347fd0)
- html: add html helper for daterangepicker (5efcbaf)
- html: add popover html helper (07202ac)
- html: add typography html helper (48f244e)
- scheduler: add ongoing event styles (60c6108)
- utils: add aspect-ratio utility classes (51dfc5a)
- utils: add utility classes for white space wrapping (c4d4a28)