npm @prantlf/jsonlint 10.0.0

latest releases: 14.0.3, 14.0.2, 14.0.1...
4 years ago

10.0.0 (2019-12-27)

Bug Fixes

  • Rename the property "exzerpt" in error information to "excerpt" (4c74e3d)


  • Add support for pretty-printing of the JSON input (d5eaa93)


  • If you used the property "exzerpt" from the parsing error object, you have to change it to "excerpt". It should be easy using a full-text search in your sources.

  • The option for pretty-printing invalid input has been renamed:

    -p (--pretty-print) ==> -P (--pretty-print-invalid)

The option -p (--pretty-print) will newly prettify the raw (text) input instead of formatting the parsed JSON object.

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