npm @polkadot/types 0.92.1

latest releases: 11.3.1, 11.2.1, 11.1.1...
4 years ago
  • The API now correctly sets the ss58 prefix as retrieved from the chain properties via ss58Format
  • Bump to @polkadot/util 1.4.1, removing use of ExtError
  • The Keyring from @polkadot/keyring is now exposed on the API as well. You can do import { Keyring } from '@polkadot/api' - this alleviates the need for extra dependencies (apart from @polkadot/api), and since the keyring is critical for signing operations, aligns everything in one bundle
  • Support the latest Polkadot & Substrate master branches (incl. metadata updates)
  • Getting started documentation has been made available

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