npm @polkadot/api 7.1.1

latest releases: 11.2.1, 11.1.1, 11.0.3...
2 years ago

Upgrade priority: Low. Recommended for users of contracts form Substrate master & Polkador/Kusama TS app developers where specific chain augmentation would be helpful.



  • Expose @polkadot/api-augment/{kusama, polkadot, substrate} for specific augmentations (The bare @polkadot/api-augment is equivalent to /substrate, keeping the existing behavior)
  • Expose @polkadot/types-augment/{lookup, registry} variants (The bare @polkadot/types-augment applies both)
  • Expose txHash on submittable results, e.g. tx.signAndSend(..., ({ txHash }) => ...)
  • Align casing for TS & exposed queries (adjusts for ALLCAPS entries)
  • Additional tests for Option codec (explicit in expectations)
  • Update to latest Substrate, Kusama & Polkadot static metadata

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