npm @playwright/test 1.51.0

latest releases: 1.52.0-alpha-2025-03-09, 1.52.0-alpha-2025-03-08, 1.51.0-beta-1741375746000...
3 days ago

StorageState for indexedDB

  • New option indexedDB for browserContext.storageState() allows to save and restore IndexedDB contents. Useful when your application uses IndexedDB API to store authentication tokens, like Firebase Authentication.

    Here is an example following the authentication guide:

    // tests/auth.setup.ts
    import { test as setup, expect } from '@playwright/test';
    import path from 'path';
    const authFile = path.join(__dirname, '../playwright/.auth/user.json');
    setup('authenticate', async ({ page }) => {
      await page.goto('/');
      // ... perform authentication steps ...
      // make sure to save indexedDB
      await page.context().storageState({ path: authFile, indexedDB: true });

Copy prompt

New "Copy prompt" button on errors in the HTML report, trace viewer and UI mode. Click to copy a pre-filled LLM prompt that contains the error message and useful context for fixing the error.

Copy prompt

Filter visible elements

New option visible for locator.filter() allows matching only visible elements.

// example.spec.ts
test('some test', async ({ page }) => {
  // Ignore invisible todo items.
  const todoItems = page.getByTestId('todo-item').filter({ visible: true });
  // Check there are exactly 3 visible ones.
  await expect(todoItems).toHaveCount(3);

Git information in HTML report

Set option testConfig.captureGitInfo to capture git information into testConfig.metadata.

// playwright.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from '@playwright/test';

export default defineConfig({
  captureGitInfo: { commit: true, diff: true }

HTML report will show this information when available:

Git information in the report

Test Step improvements

A new TestStepInfo object is now available in test steps. You can add step attachments or skip the step under some conditions.

test('some test', async ({ page, isMobile }) => {
  // Note the new "step" argument:
  await test.step('here is my step', async step => {
    step.skip(isMobile, 'not relevant on mobile layouts');

    // ...
    await step.attach('my attachment', { body: 'some text' });
    // ...


Browser Versions

  • Chromium 134.0.6998.35
  • Mozilla Firefox 135.0
  • WebKit 18.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 133
  • Microsoft Edge 133

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