npm @playwright/test 1.16.2

latest releases: 1.46.0-alpha-2024-06-26, 1.46.0-alpha-2024-06-25, 1.45.0...
2 years ago


This patch includes bug fixes for the following issues:

#7818 - [Bug]: dedup snapshot CSS images
#9741 - [BUG] Error while an attempt to install Playwright in CI -> Failed at the playwright@1.16.1 install script
#9756 - [Regression] Page.screenshot does not work inside Docker with BrowserServer
#9759 - [BUG] 1.16.x the package.json is not export anymore
#9760 - [BUG] snapshot updating causes failures for all tries except the last
#9768 - [BUG] ignoreHTTPSErrors not working on page.request

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 97.0.4666.0
  • Mozilla Firefox 93.0
  • WebKit 15.4

This version of Playwright was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 94
  • Microsoft Edge 94


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