npm @oclif/core 0.2.0

latest releases: 4.0.7, 4.0.6, 4.0.5...
3 years ago
  • feat: export parser interfaces in Interfaces (#46) d5ad46d
  • feat: export HelpOptions in Interfaces (#45) 5d4212f
  • feat: export OclifError & PrettyPrintableError in Interfaces (#44) 766b6f5
  • fix: export TSConfig in Interfaces (#43) 187f5b8
  • refactor: interfaces dir (#42) 10d3de9
  • fix: capitalize Flags module export (#41) 9b1d2a8
  • feat: export Config, Plugin at root & namespace interfaces (#40) 0817fc0
  • feat: mv getHelpClass, Help & HelpBase export to root (#39) 3d272d8
  • feat: mv Command & flag export to root (#37) 70ea6e1
  • fix: config debug scope (#38) be0d001


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