20.3.1 (2025-01-07)
🚀 Features
- nx-dev: add TOC markdoc component for blog posts (d98e6e4e84)
🩹 Fixes
- core: daemon spinner should show text (#29448)
- js: not generate tsconfig if already exists (#29317)
- js: only add typescript project references for explicit dependencies in sync generator (#28998)
- js: infer outputs correctly when both rootDir and outDir are set for tsconfig (#29531)
- nx-dev: Quote typo (#29513)
- nx-dev: add playsInline to video loop component (615fd172a5)
- release: invalid config path in hint for using skipLockFileUpdate (#29425)
- vite: tsconfig paths plugin should not partially match paths (#29501)
❤️ Thank You
- Bartosz Adamczyk @clxandstuff
- Craigory Coppola @AgentEnder
- Emily Xiong @xiongemi
- Jack Hsu @jaysoo
- Jack Stevenson
- Juri @juristr
- Matt Lewis @mattlewis92
- Nicholas Cunningham @ndcunningham
- Philip Fulcher