🩹 Fixes
- angular: safely update task runner cacheable operations when setting up ssr (#20736)
- core: fallback to checking stderr if stdout is empty on publish executor (#20737)
- core: correctly move project and target strings (#20726)
- linter: move should migrate all eslint configs (#20709)
- misc: disallow path segments and allow scoped package name in --newProjectName option of move generator (#20768)
- module-federation: allow relative remote paths (#20763)
- nextjs: empty port should not overwrite env port (#20751)
- nextjs: Add missing setParserOptionProject (#20754)
- react: remove tag from generated index.html (#20750)
- react: update default webpack config for component testing (#20749)
- storybook: do not throw for versions >=7 (#20770)
- testing: avoid overwriting environment variables in nx cypress preset (#20748)
- vite: allow vitest to be v1 (#20760)
❤️ Thank You
- Colum Ferry @Coly010
- Craigory Coppola @AgentEnder
- Jack Hsu @jaysoo
- Katerina Skroumpelou @mandarini
- Leosvel Pérez Espinosa @leosvelperez
- Miroslav Jonaš @meeroslav
- Nicholas Cunningham @ndcunningham