npm @nuxt/image 1.0.0-rc.1

latest releases: 1.7.0, 1.6.0, 1.5.0...
13 months ago

Work on updating the image module for Nuxt 3 began on Jul 8, 2022. After months of progress and continuous feedback, this is the first (semi-stable) version of the Image module ready for Nuxt 3 🚀

🚦 Roadmap to v1

This is the first release candidate (RC1). We plan a quick RC process, and over that period, we plan to mainly stabilize the module and add some enhancements:

  • Addressing most demanded feature requests and bug fixes
  • Support multi-sources and server-side caching using Nuxt 3's built-in Storage Layer for the default image optimizer (unjs/ipx)
  • Better support for screen densities
  • Better support for static output targets (we are tracking key issues)
  • Integrate more closely with Nuxt 3 Core

✅ Upgrading

If you have been using the edge channel, you can now switch back to the main @nuxt/image package name. You can use the rc tag which will pull in the latest release candidate.

    "devDependencies": {
-     "@nuxt/image-edge": "latest",
+     "@nuxt/image": "rc",
      "nuxt": "latest"

You should also update your nuxt.config:

  export default defineNuxtConfig({
    modules: [
-     '@nuxt/image-edge'
+     '@nuxt/image'

👉 Changelog

🚀 Enhancements

  • Initial rewrite for nuxt 3 support (64dfecc)
  • Migrate to composition api (#571)
  • vercel: Set image config using v3 output api (4d8aab0)
  • Support prerendering static images (#614)
  • Support load event for nuxt-img and nuxt-picture (#702)
  • Add data-nuxt-img and data-nuxt-pic attrs (#747)
  • Add none provider and only enable ipx when node present (#840)
  • Add directus provider (#787)
  • Add wagtail provider (#774)

🔥 Performance

  • Do not inject $img by default (#836)

🩹 Fixes

  • Add missing defineNuxtPlugin import (e5ca160)
  • Use resolver to resolve built-in providers (bb8381c)
  • ipx: Ensure leading slash is added to ipx url (93ce78a)
  • vercel: Remove dependency of fs-extra (23076b8)
  • Update nuxt version constraint (#603)
  • Add implicit imports (db0934c)
  • Provide empty array if source data is not present (#606)
  • vercel: Update image to images and add ttl (a3cd82c)
  • imagekit: Transformation query param generation (#610)
  • AddAutoImport has been renamed to addImports (#648)
  • Update ipx (b087201)
  • nuxt-picture: Only pass defined props to <nuxt-img> component (#620)
  • Default dir value (cc4a09d)
  • nuxt-img: Access prerender.env only in server side (#661)
  • Pass ipx maxAge option from options (#706)
  • ⚠️ Improve prerendering support (#725)
  • module: Parse with parseURL #659 (#680, #659)
  • cloudinary: Update mapping key for density (#730)
  • unsplash: Merge query params with src (#712)
  • ipx: Use actual relative ipx dir (#779)
  • ipx: Support runtime nuxt baseURL (#778)
  • ipx: Set prerenderer config as well (#784)
  • Use absolute path for prerenderer (#788)
  • sanity: Add dpr modifier (#789)
  • pkg: Relax upper node version constraint (#818)
  • Correctly apply provided format to <NuxtPicture> (#827)
  • Type vercel nitro config correctly (2679d60)
  • Remove ignored second arg for hash (52ba7aa)
  • Prerender static images when calling createImage (d927447)
  • nuxt-picture: Render svgs with src not srcset (46939f1)
  • Ensure $img injection is correctly typed (ed573bb)
  • Test for imgEl before setting src (e5a294e)
  • Respect dir option from module for ipx (7e187e5)
  • Use publicDir for runtime ipx generation (#849)
  • pkg: Use esm build as main field (#848)
  • Emit synthetic load and error events on initial hydration (#842)
  • Remove placeholder plugin (1cd2ef1)

💅 Refactors

  • ipx: Use event.node.req and event.node.res (#777)

📖 Documentation

  • Advice modules instead of buildModules (#557)
  • Update static/ dir to public/ (#558)
  • Update lint to nuxt 3 (4e029e2)
  • Update default provider section (35c8a9d)
  • Change static/ to public/ (#566)
  • Upgrade docus and improve structure (#564)
  • Fix link to unsplash license (#579)
  • Update to script setup (4b27db3)
  • Upgrade to latest Docus (#678)
  • Fix cloudflare usage example (255d991)
  • Fix typo (#670)
  • Fix typo in api docs (#754)
  • Update badge (4cee565)
  • Update codesandbox link and refresh example lockfile (10c8735)
  • Update nuxt config definition (#816)
  • Update default dir value (f293072)

📦 Build

  • Change node engine requirement to be same as nuxt3 (4c23770)

✅ Tests

  • Add back and update tests (#830)
  • Update implementation of <ProviderSelector> (295b8c4)
  • Test types in module and fixtures (28f550d)
  • Sort file snapshot (b3a9089)
  • Remove leftover code (c7531e0)
  • Add test for URI encoding (852371a)
  • Add test for load and error events (#841)
  • Add unit test for correct crop sizing (682b674)
  • Extract mountImage helper (5c21f4c)

🎨 Styles

  • cloudinary: Remove dangle comma (#733)
  • Fix lint (2ed711e)

❤️ Contributors

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