npm @nuxt/content 2.3.0

latest releases: 2.13.1, 2.13.0, 2.12.1...
19 months ago

🚀 Enhancements

  • module: Introduce api.baseURL and deprecate base (#1695)
  • Unique api calls per build (#1705)
  • shiki: Expose highlighting utils (#1727)
  • document-driven: Introduce start and finish hooks (#1744)
  • query: Fully cacheable api (#1752) (This could enable under stripQueryParameters experimental flag)

🩹 Fixes

  • markdown: Resolve custom shiki languages (#1692)
  • clientDB: Disable clientDB if token is set and has falsy value (#1700)
  • shiki: Issue with merging multiple themes (#1703)
  • query: Invalid response on missing content (#1706)
  • test: Typo (#1707)
  • markdown: Remove double and trailing dashes from heading ids (#1711)
  • ws: Prevent port conflict on running multiple instances (#1721)
  • markdown: Remove extra dash from heading id (4c376587)
  • Typo (a7912af1)
  • build: Invalid cache route handler (ae138a87)
  • ContentRendererMarkdown: Recreate vNodes in render function (#1734)
  • query: Fallback to default locale if query has no filter on _locale (#1748)
  • module: Put query parameters removal under an experimental flag (#1757)
  • Add missing imports (5285db01)

💅 Refactors

  • ContentRenderer: Simplify conditions (#1715)
  • Shiki: Prepare Shiki highlighter for external usage (#1720)

📖 Documentation

🏡 Chore

  • Upgrade deps (#1691)
  • logging: Cleanup logging (#1733)

❤️ Contributors

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