npm @nuxt/content 2.10.0

latest releases: 2.13.0, 2.12.1, 2.12.0...
6 months ago

🚀 Enhancements

  • Add homepage on package.json (#2413)
  • api: Cache api endpoints (d2bcf70f)

🩹 Fixes

  • Add missing imports for search (#2412)
  • Import nuxt composables from #imports (#2418)
  • typo (7bf89960)
  • Enable cache only for clientDb (#2425)
  • Remove d.ts (#2427)
  • Ensure bundler module resolution works with runtime type imports (#2470)
  • Imports (f33f5a20)

📖 Documentation

🏡 Chore

  • perf: Leverage ISR instead for query caching (dee73c67)
  • Remove routeRules added (6b94f131)
  • perf: Leverage ISR instead for query caching" (6a56986c)
  • Upgrade @nuxtjs/mdc^0.3.0 (8c442665)
  • Remove ts-ignore as unstorage has fixed subpath export (#2472)
  • Test bundler module resolution (#2474)

❤️ Contributors

Note: Slightly breaking change in Package internals, due to remark upgrade. class properties are now arrays.

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