npm @nrwl/cli 14.4.3

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2 years ago

14.4.3 (2022-07-16)

Bug Fixes

  • angular: amend wrong project name schema options to hint nx console to show a project dropdown (#11097) (43bd32f)
  • angular: do not generate ts path mappings for lazy loaded libs in app tsconfig file (#11125) (010ba00)
  • angular: do not set a module federation remote project as the default project (#11127) (20865fe)
  • angular: do not write files unnecessarily in mfe to mf migration (#11126) (5e8d80c)
  • angular: emit dts when using entrypoint name as filename in ng-packagr executors (#11032) (7e106fa)
  • core: adjust add and addDev command for pnpm when it is in a pnpm workspace (be1d236)
  • core: handle specifying a prerelease version without a package when migrating (#11129) (e1f64d5)
  • core: outputs in nx.json targetDefaults is not work (#11157) (2a711b4), closes #11141
  • core: remove eslintrc.json from the package build artifact (#11043) (6f3cc3c)
  • core: use generator options from nx config (#11006) (dfd7e0f), closes #11004
  • dep-graph: filter by text correctly during quick inputs (#10986) (9931f83)
  • linter: escape dollar signs in filepaths (#11009) (a24886c)
  • misc: add dotenv as dependencies for plugins that import it (#11167) (d223a18)
  • nextjs: set development outputPath to a different one from production build (#11169) (a49d14a), closes #10312
  • react: do not set a module federation remote project as the default project (#11128) (3dbef4a)
  • react: fix typo in testing-library migrations (d292185)
  • storybook: fix schema to read projectName from config (#11098) (aa422a7)
  • storybook: include polyfills in Storybook tsconfig for ngapps (#11136) (8a7b7cb)

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