Bug Fixes
- angular: prevent adding dependencies when generating apps and specifying skipPackageJson (#8806) (cf7a18b)
- angular: support target aliases existing in the angular-cli (#8787) (3a2fd3f)
- angular: update ng-packagr executors to support browserlist version ranges (#8783) (5f3ca78)
- core: do not start daemon process when running a docker container (fb05689)
- docs: fix id of library-secondary-entry-point page (#8739) (3494d7b)
- linter: add swc/core-linux-musl as an optional dependency for alpine (#8814) (da64519)
- react: fix issue with postcss and images in webpack config (#8802) (120e987), closes #8300
- storybook: ensure watch is passed to angular storybook options (#8800) (19f8813)