Bug Fixes
- core: allow building of workspaces when hosted at / (#5252) (9180e90)
- core: print error if there is an issue creating the sandbox during create (#5380) (fb0411e)
- core: throw an error if generating a new workspace into a non-empty directory (#5296) (949cf31)
- core: Wrap head + base arguments in quotes in execSyn (#5240) (4b61d44), closes #4828
- devkit: add env variable to disable project graph cache (#5297) (d007d37)
- devkit: devkitTreeFromAngularDevkitTree exists function should also work on dirs (0f08149), closes #5318
- gatsby: fix the e2e for gatsby production (#5353) (7063525)
- misc: fix grouping problem in dep-graph client (#5279) (d8d643a)
- nextjs: remove isServer flag from web babel preset (#5322) (159bc99)
- nx-plugin: fix package name when generating generators (#5320) (ab13bf4)
- react: fix react publish library copy readme (#5345) (656d808)
- react: generate apps/libs using Emotion CSS with valid .babelrc files (#5336) (a51d19f)
- repo: clear output before building packages again (#5342) (2c76dbe)
- storybook: generate story file in new jsx transform (#5369) (13ca51c)
- storybook: incorrect environment in dev (#5313) (6fe7e7d)
- core: add --ignoreExistingTsLintConfig option to lint conversion generators (#5127) (bff5d43)
- core: added package manager union type (#5378) (6bd6e14)
- core: allow defining target deps (#5376) (7358420)
- core: allow passing a path into read workspace config (#5337) (c464b75)
- core: cache task failures (f89cf4a)
- core: refactored dep-graph to use latest tippy.js and cytoscape (#5358) (647bfc9)
- misc: updated documentation generation scripts and removed shelljs (#5381) (27df601)
- storybook: configure Cypress directory (#5314) (6c4155d)
- web: support multiple
plugins (5ad1a61)