npm @ngx-formly/bootstrap 5.8.0

latest releases: 5.11.2, 6.0.0-next.9, 5.11.1...
3 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • core: ensure change event is called after the formControl change (#2336) (051480d), closes #2324
  • schematics: add ng-zorro-antd to ui-theme option (#2337) (e2274a7), closes #2333


  • bootstrap: support checkbox without label (#2339) (989dec0), closes #2313
  • core: support attach error to specific field from a validator (#2342) (d8b612d), closes #2332
  • ionic: add Names && ShortNames inputs for datetime picker (#2338) (2e74cb3), closes #2331
  • material: add monthSelected && yearSelected outputs for datepicker (#2340) (f1f0cc9), closes #2308

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