npm @ngx-formly/bootstrap 5.5.11

latest releases: 5.11.2, 6.0.0-next.9, 5.11.1...
4 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • bootstrap: rely on accessor to select empty option (#2047) (890c5aa), closes #2043
  • core: avoid using includes for IE compatibility (#2062) (1f9b0ae), closes #2058
  • core: create field type instance for each formly-field com… (#2068) (ecc632d), closes #2060 #2065 #2045
  • core: detach the rendered field from the destroyed wrapper… (#2073) (cca863e)
  • core: detect expression changes on submit (#2046) (9947906), closes #1845
  • core: detect observable expression changes when using OnPush CD (#2051) (960ee42), closes #2050
  • core: ensure wrapProperty fn is removed after unsubscribe (#2067) (ef77b49), closes #2066
  • core: keep order of value subscriptions consistent on rebu… (#2063) (d667122), closes #2061
  • core: set id attr to the first formlyAttributes elements only (ed3ea3c)
  • core: use id @input when is set instead of field id (dfda03b), closes #2071
  • material: remove textarea autosize attributes when disabled (#2052) (80e7c14), closes #2042

Performance Improvements

  • core: reduce number of created components during the buil… (#2069) (f371aad)

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