Core Changes
- Fix issues where saving next.config.js too quickly could result in multiple dev servers running at once: #48857
- Fix scrolling on navigation in app: #48863
- Implement MutableRequestCookies in server entries: #48847
- refactor(next-swc): turbopack_ecmascript_plugins: #48671
- edge: expose Websocket constructor: #48870
- add missing aliases for next/dynamic and next/head: #48871
- Update the mutableCookies class to accept extra options: #48877
- Support generate dynamic sitemaps for dynamic routes: #48867
- refactor(next-core): emit unsupported package warning: #48837
- update turbopack: #48893
- External vercel og for nodejs runtime: #48844
- Make prefetch not async: #48897
- Ensure require-hook env is set properly on deploy: #48902
Documentation Changes
Misc Changes
- test: disable client cache flaky test: #48890
Huge thanks to @jankaifer, @timneutkens, @shuding, @kwonoj, @martin-wahlberg, @Kikobeats, @sokra, @JTaylor0196, @huozhi, @sebmarkbage, and @ijjk for helping!