npm @mui/x-data-grid-pro 7.0.0-alpha.1

latest releases: 7.17.0, 7.16.0, 7.15.0...
10 months ago

We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 3 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 🐞 Bugfixes
  • 📚 Documentation improvements

Date Pickers

@mui/x-date-pickers@7.0.0-alpha.1 / @mui/x-date-pickers-pro@7.0.0-alpha.1 pro

Breaking changes

  • The string argument of the dayOfWeekFormatter prop has been replaced in favor of the date object to allow more flexibility.

       // If you were still using the day string, you can get it back with your date library.
    -  dayOfWeekFormatter={dayStr => `${dayStr}.`}
    +  dayOfWeekFormatter={day => `${day.format('dd')}.`}
       // If you were already using the day object, just remove the first argument.
    -  dayOfWeekFormatter={(_dayStr, day) => `${day.format('dd')}.`}
    +  dayOfWeekFormatter={day => `${day.format('dd')}.`}
  • The imports related to the calendarHeader slot have been moved from @mui/x-date-pickers/DateCalendar to @mui/x-date-pickers/PIckersCalendarHeader:

     export {
    -} from '@mui/x-date-pickers/DateCalendar';
    +} from '@mui/x-date-pickers/PickersCalendarHeader';
  • The monthAndYear format has been removed.
    It was used in the header of the calendar views, you can replace it with the new format prop of the calendarHeader slot:

    -  formats={{ monthAndYear: 'MM/YYYY' }}
    +    slotProps={{ calendarHeader: { format: 'MM/YYYY' }}}
    +    slotProps={{ calendarHeader: { format: 'MM/YYYY' }}}
     <LocalizationProvider />
  • The adapter.getDiff method have been removed, you can directly use your date library:

     // For Day.js
    -const diff = adapter.getDiff(value, comparing, unit);
    +const diff = value.diff(comparing, unit);
     // For Luxon
    -const diff = adapter.getDiff(value, comparing, unit);
    +const getDiff = (value: DateTime, comparing: DateTime | string, unit?: AdapterUnits) => {
    +  const parsedComparing = typeof comparing === 'string'
    +    ? DateTime.fromJSDate(new Date(comparing))
    +    : comparing;
    +  if (unit) {
    +    return Math.floor(value.diff(comparing).as(unit));
    +  }
    +  return value.diff(comparing).as('millisecond');
    +const diff = getDiff(value, comparing, unit);
      // For DateFns
    -const diff = adapter.getDiff(value, comparing, unit);
    +const getDiff = (value: Date, comparing: Date | string, unit?: AdapterUnits) => {
    +  const parsedComparing = typeof comparing === 'string' ? new Date(comparing) : comparing;
    +  switch (unit) {
    +    case 'years':
    +      return dateFns.differenceInYears(value, parsedComparing);
    +    case 'quarters':
    +      return dateFns.differenceInQuarters(value, parsedComparing);
    +    case 'months':
    +      return dateFns.differenceInMonths(value, parsedComparing);
    +    case 'weeks':
    +      return dateFns.differenceInWeeks(value, parsedComparing);
    +    case 'days':
    +      return dateFns.differenceInDays(value, parsedComparing);
    +    case 'hours':
    +      return dateFns.differenceInHours(value, parsedComparing);
    +    case 'minutes':
    +      return dateFns.differenceInMinutes(value, parsedComparing);
    +    case 'seconds':
    +      return dateFns.differenceInSeconds(value, parsedComparing);
    +    default: {
    +      return dateFns.differenceInMilliseconds(value, parsedComparing);
    +    }
    +  }
    +const diff = getDiff(value, comparing, unit);
     // For Moment
    -const diff = adapter.getDiff(value, comparing, unit);
    +const diff = value.diff(comparing, unit);
  • The adapter.getFormatHelperText method have been removed, you can use the adapter.expandFormat instead:

-const expandedFormat = adapter.getFormatHelperText(format);
+const expandedFormat = adapter.expandFormat(format);

And if you need the exact same output you can apply the following transformation:

 // For Day.js
-const expandedFormat = adapter.getFormatHelperText(format);
+const expandedFormat = adapter.expandFormat(format).replace(/a/gi, '(a|p)m').toLocaleLowerCase();

 // For Luxon
-const expandedFormat = adapter.getFormatHelperText(format);
+const expandedFormat = adapter.expandFormat(format).replace(/(a)/g, '(a|p)m').toLocaleLowerCase();

 // For DateFns
-const expandedFormat = adapter.getFormatHelperText(format);
+const expandedFormat = adapter.expandFormat(format).replace(/(aaa|aa|a)/g, '(a|p)m').toLocaleLowerCase();

 // For Moment
-const expandedFormat = adapter.getFormatHelperText(format);
+const expandedFormat = adapter.expandFormat(format).replace(/a/gi, '(a|p)m').toLocaleLowerCase();
  • The adapter.getMeridiemText method have been removed, you can use the adapter.setHours, and adapter.format methods to recreate its behavior:

    -const meridiem = adapter.getMeridiemText('am');
    +const getMeridiemText = (meridiem: 'am' | 'pm') => {
    +  const date = adapter.setHours(!, meridiem === 'am' ? 2 : 14);
    +  return utils.format(date, 'meridiem');
    +const meridiem = getMeridiemText('am');
  • The adapter.getMonthArray method have been removed, you can use the adapter.startOfYear and adapter.addMonths methods to recreate its behavior:

    -const monthArray = adapter.getMonthArray(value);
    +const getMonthArray = (year) => {
    +  const firstMonth = utils.startOfYear(year);
    +  const months = [firstMonth];
    +  while (months.length < 12) {
    +    const prevMonth = months[months.length - 1];
    +    months.push(utils.addMonths(prevMonth, 1));
    +  }
    +  return months;
    +const monthArray = getMonthArray(value);
  • The adapter.getNextMonth method have been removed, you can use the adapter.addMonths method instead:

    -const nextMonth = adapter.getNextMonth(value);
    +const nextMonth = adapter.addMonths(value, 1);
  • The adapter.getPreviousMonth method have been removed, you can use the adapter.addMonths method instead:

    -const previousMonth = adapter.getPreviousMonth(value);
    +const previousMonth = adapter.addMonths(value, -1);
  • The adapter.getWeekdays method have been removed, you can use the adapter.startOfWeek and adapter.addDays methods instead:

    -const weekDays = adapter.getWeekdays(value);
    +const getWeekdays = (value) => {
    +  const start = adapter.startOfWeek(value);
    +  return [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].map((diff) => utils.addDays(start, diff));
    +const weekDays = getWeekdays(value);
  • The isNull method have been removed, you can replace it with a very basic check:

    -const isNull = adapter.isNull(value);
    +const isNull = value === null;
  • The adapter.mergeDateAndTime method have been removed, you can use the adapter.setHours, adapter.setMinutes, and adapter.setSeconds methods to recreate its behavior:

    -const result = adapter.mergeDateAndTime(valueWithDate, valueWithTime);
    +const mergeDateAndTime = <TDate>(
    +   dateParam,
    +   timeParam,
    + ) => {
    +   let mergedDate = dateParam;
    +   mergedDate = utils.setHours(mergedDate, utils.getHours(timeParam));
    +   mergedDate = utils.setMinutes(mergedDate, utils.getMinutes(timeParam));
    +   mergedDate = utils.setSeconds(mergedDate, utils.getSeconds(timeParam));
    +   return mergedDate;
    + };
    +const result = mergeDateAndTime(valueWithDate, valueWithTime);
  • The adapter.parseISO method have been removed, you can directly use your date library:

     // For Day.js
    -const value = adapter.parseISO(isoString);
    +const value = dayjs(isoString);
     // For Luxon
    -const value = adapter.parseISO(isoString);
    +const value = DateTime.fromISO(isoString);
     // For DateFns
    -const value = adapter.parseISO(isoString);
    +const value = dateFns.parseISO(isoString);
     // For Moment
    -const value = adapter.parseISO(isoString);
    +const value = moment(isoString, true);
  • The adapter.toISO method have been removed, you can directly use your date library:

    -const isoString = adapter.toISO(value);
    +const isoString = value.toISOString();
    +const isoString = value.toUTC().toISO({ format: 'extended' });
    +const isoString = dateFns.formatISO(value, { format: 'extended' });
    +const isoString = value.toISOString();
  • The adapter.isEqual method used to accept any type of value for its two input and tried to parse them before checking if they were equal.
    The method has been simplified and now only accepts an already-parsed date or null (ie: the same formats used by the value prop in the pickers)

     const adapterDayjs = new AdapterDayjs();
     const adapterLuxon = new AdapterLuxon();
     const adapterDateFns = new AdapterDateFns();
     const adapterMoment = new AdatperMoment();
     // Supported formats
     const isEqual = adapterDayjs.isEqual(null, null); // Same for the other adapters
     const isEqual = adapterLuxon.isEqual(, DateTime.fromISO('2022-04-17'));
     const isEqual = adapterMoment.isEqual(moment(), moment('2022-04-17'));
     const isEqual = adapterDateFns.isEqual(new Date(), new Date('2022-04-17'));
     // Non-supported formats (JS Date)
    -const isEqual = adapterDayjs.isEqual(new Date(), new Date('2022-04-17'));
    +const isEqual = adapterDayjs.isEqual(dayjs(), dayjs('2022-04-17'));
    -const isEqual = adapterLuxon.isEqual(new Date(), new Date('2022-04-17'));
    +const isEqual = adapterLuxon.isEqual(, DateTime.fromISO('2022-04-17'));
    -const isEqual = adapterMoment.isEqual(new Date(), new Date('2022-04-17'));
    +const isEqual = adapterMoment.isEqual(moment(), moment('2022-04-17'));
     // Non-supported formats (string)
    -const isEqual = adapterDayjs.isEqual('2022-04-16', '2022-04-17');
    +const isEqual = adapterDayjs.isEqual(dayjs('2022-04-17'), dayjs('2022-04-17'));
    -const isEqual = adapterLuxon.isEqual('2022-04-16', '2022-04-17');
    +const isEqual = adapterLuxon.isEqual(DateTime.fromISO('2022-04-17'), DateTime.fromISO('2022-04-17'));
    -const isEqual = adapterMoment.isEqual('2022-04-16', '2022-04-17');
    +const isEqual = adapterMoment.isEqual(moment('2022-04-17'), moment('2022-04-17'));
    -const isEqual = adapterDateFns.isEqual('2022-04-16', '2022-04-17');
    +const isEqual = adapterDateFns.isEqual(new Date('2022-04-17'), new Date('2022-04-17'));
  • The dateLibInstance prop of LocalizationProvider does not work with AdapterDayjs anymore (#11023). This prop was used to set the pickers in UTC mode before the implementation of a proper timezone support in the components.
    You can learn more about the new approach on the dedicated doc page.

     // When a `value` or a `defaultValue` is provided
    -  dateLibInstance={dayjs.utc}
       <DatePicker value={dayjs.utc('2022-04-17')} />
     // When no `value` or `defaultValue` is provided
    -  dateLibInstance={dayjs.utc}
    -  <DatePicker />
    +  <DatePicker timezone="UTC" />
  • The property hasLeadingZeros has been removed from the sections in favor of the more precise hasLeadingZerosInFormat and hasLeadingZerosInInput properties (#10994). To keep the same behavior, you can replace it by hasLeadingZerosInFormat:

     const fieldRef = React.useRef<FieldRef<FieldSection>>(null);
     React.useEffect(() => {
       const firstSection = fieldRef.current!.getSections()[0];
    -  console.log(firstSection.hasLeadingZeros);
    +  console.log(firstSection.hasLeadingZerosInFormat);
     }, []);
     return (
       <DateField unstableFieldRef={fieldRef} />
  • The adapter.getYearRange method used to accept two params and now accepts a tuple to be consistent with the adapter.isWithinRange method (#10978):

    -adapter.getYearRange(start, end);
    +adapter.getYearRange([start, end])
  • The adapter.isValid method used to accept any type of value and tried to parse them before checking their validity (#10971).
    The method has been simplified and now only accepts an already-parsed date or null.
    Which is the same type as the one accepted by the components value prop.

     const adapterDayjs = new AdapterDayjs();
     const adapterLuxon = new AdapterLuxon();
     const adapterDateFns = new AdapterDateFns();
     const adapterMoment = new AdatperMoment();
     // Supported formats
     const isValid = adapterDayjs.isValid(null); // Same for the other adapters
     const isValid = adapterLuxon.isValid(;
     const isValid = adapterMoment.isValid(moment());
     const isValid = adapterDateFns.isValid(new Date());
     // Non-supported formats (JS Date)
    -const isValid = adapterDayjs.isValid(new Date('2022-04-17'));
    +const isValid = adapterDayjs.isValid(dayjs('2022-04-17'));
    -const isValid = adapterLuxon.isValid(new Date('2022-04-17'));
    +const isValid = adapterLuxon.isValid(DateTime.fromISO('2022-04-17'));
    -const isValid = adapterMoment.isValid(new Date('2022-04-17'));
    +const isValid = adapterMoment.isValid(moment('2022-04-17'));
     // Non-supported formats (string)
    -const isValid = adapterDayjs.isValid('2022-04-17');
    +const isValid = adapterDayjs.isValid(dayjs('2022-04-17'));
    -const isValid = adapterLuxon.isValid('2022-04-17');
    +const isValid = adapterLuxon.isValid(DateTime.fromISO('2022-04-17'));
    -const isValid = adapterMoment.isValid('2022-04-17');
    +const isValid = adapterMoment.isValid(moment('2022-04-17'));
    -const isValid = adapterDateFns.isValid('2022-04-17');
    +const isValid = adapterDateFns.isValid(new Date('2022-04-17'));




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